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how to use keyring pro

How to use KEYRING PRO

How to send crypto?

how to send crypto






  1. Tap wallet balance
  2. Choose an asset to send
  3. Tap on the address section
  4. Choose ‘Send’
  5. Insert your passcode
  6. Set an amount & gas
  7. Tap ‘Send’









How to receive crypto?








  1. On the main screen, choose a wallet
  2. Tap on it
  3. Choose ‘Copy Address’










How to connect wallet on Desktop?








  1. On Dapp, click ‘Connect Wallet’
  2. Choose Wallet Connect
  3. Open KEYRING PRO, tap the middle button to initiate QR scanner
  4. Scan the QR on Dapp
  5. Choose a wallet, tap ‘Connect’









How to connect wallet on Mobile?








1. On Dapp, click ‘Connect Wallet’
2. Choose Wallet Connect
3. On the popup, choose KEYRING PRO
4. Choose a wallet, tap ‘Connect’









How to import account?








  1. On the main screen, tap the (+) icon
  2. Choose ‘Import Account’
  3. Choose ‘To this device’ or ‘Using NFC Keycard’
  4. Insert your Private Key
  5. Choose chains to import
  6. Tap ‘Import’








How to create new account?








  1. On the main screen, tap the (+) icon
  2. Choose ‘Create Account’
  3. Choose chains to create
  4. Tap ‘Create’









How to create new account with the same address?







  1. On the main screen, choose a wallet
  2. Choose ‘Use this address with other chains’
  3. Choose chains to create
  4. Tap ‘Create’


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