What is Avalanche Subnet?
The concept of Avalanche Subnet
Avalanche Subnet In General
Each Avalanche subnet is a set of validators operate in the same environment to settle a consensus state of Blockchain.
Its original idea is to establish independent low-cost Blockchains that backed by a highly developed and secure Blockchain.
With subnet, anyone can build Blockchain at an affordable price, but still ensure highest security to avoid 51% attack.
Established subnet will lay on top of Avalanche Primary network and validated by Avalanche nodes.
A node can participate in multiple subnets.
Aforementioned, subnet has its own space and requirements with the nature of an independent Blockchain.
A subnet can issue its own native token for gas fee payment. Builders can launch NFT and Smart Contract just similarly to any other POS (Proof-of-stake) EVM compatible chains.
Public Blockchain
By default, Avalanche Subnets are public and visible to everyone.
It means any nodes can easily sync, or listen to ongoing transactions/blocks within a public subnet even if they’re not part of the subnet.
Anyone can track public subnet operation through Avalanche explorer.
Private Blockchain
In opposed to Public Blockchain, content within Private Blockchain is only visible to its validators.
Privacy is the top priority of Private Blockchain.
This offers a great solution for enterprises to apply Blockchain into internal operations.
Any subnets can become private by turning [dt_highlight color=”” text_color=”#0d1015″ bg_color=””]validatorOnly[/dt_highlight] to true.
Subnet Security Explained
Backed By Avalanche Primary Network
The concept of subnet allows builders to facilitate the developed infrastructure of Avalanche to secure their networks.
It makes Blockchain accessible to SMEs which eliminates the concern of network security.
On the other hand, by standing on the shoulder of Avalanche, projects can take advantages of the already available resources.
It saves a tremendous amount of time in comparison to building from scratch.
Validator Requirements
The architecture of Avalanche subnet makes it manageable in term of regulatory compliance.
To become a validator, you need to stake at least [dt_highlight color=”” text_color=”#0d1015″ bg_color=””]2,000 AVAX[/dt_highlight] with validation running on a lightweight full node server.
- CPU: Equivalent of 8 AWS vCPU
- RAM: 16 GB
- Storage: 1 TB
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or MacOS >= Catalina
Besides, validators need to verify their identities through a strict procedure.
- They must be located in a given country
- Pass KYC/AML checks
- Hold a certain license
Those conditions will remove the risk of anonymous rug-pull, or manipulation, and protect the network’s integrity.
What’s on Subnet
Subnet Validator
Validator is the core of a subnet, which is the heart and soul of the whole network.
In the process of validating a subnet, validator will earn part of the incurred gas fee and validation reward.
Those turn to be a great way to hold AVAX coin, as big holders can earn APY along the way and contribute to the network at the same time.
Subnet Delegator
Instead of staking 2,000 AVAX, enthusiasts can choose an alternative option to [dt_highlight color=”” text_color=”#0d1015″ bg_color=””]become a Delegator with just 25 AVAX[/dt_highlight].
This removes the barrier to entry in participating and contributing to the network.
The role of delegator is not required to have a full node server, or any expertise.
In fact, they only need to choose a reliable validator to stake AVAX and earn reward.
The whole process should take less than a few minutes.
Aside from earning APY in AVAX, delegators can also earn native tokens from available subnets.
To learn more about the process of becoming a delegator please read this guide.
Subnet Builder
Most public subnets will allow developers to contribute in the development process.
Technically, independent developers can launch Smart Contract on public subnets, even if they’re not part of the project.
>> What is Avalanche Faucet? Fuji Network
Subnet User
User is the last piece of the puzzle, who put the network into operation.
On subnet, users can use the subnet native token to pay for gas fee instead of AVAX and enjoy developed Dapps on top of that one.
Subnet Wallet
KEYRING PRO supports all assets on EVM compatible chains through the infrastructure of Wallet Connect.
Most subnets will come with custom RPC.
By adding the custom RPC of a subnet onto KEYRING PRO, users will be able to interact with the subnet and its resources.
You can find RPC info at [dt_highlight color=”” text_color=”#0d1015″ bg_color=””]subnets.avax.network[/dt_highlight].
How to add RPC
For instance, to add WrapTag subnet, please follow the steps below.
- Download KEYRING PRO on iOS, Android, APK, Huawei App Gallery, or Mac M1
- Create a multichain account
- Add RPC
- On home screen, tap ‘Menu’ icon
- Choose ‘Manage Chains’
- Tap on the ‘+’ icon
- Insert RPC parameters, please refer to the RPC section above.
- Tap ‘Add’
- On the home screen, choose an address you want to use on the newly added chain, or you can create a new account
- Choose ‘Use this address with other chains’
- Choose the newly added chain
- Tap ‘Create’
WrapTag Chain RPC
ChainID: 24052022
Network Name: WrapTag Chain
Symbol: WPT
Explorer: https://avascan.info/
Metheus Network: Blockchain Service
Metheus Network is a new player in the Avalanche space.
They help individuals and organizations to build Private or Public Blockchain on subnets.
At the time of this article, Metheus has successfully deployed 6 different validators on Avalanche (2,000 AVAX each).
Enthusiasts can also stake AVAX on Metheus validators to earn an above average APY.
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